Cops and detectives
From a layman’s perspective, it can be confusing to see how the work of a police officer differs from the work of a detective. They both deal with crimes and incidents, but when you dig deeper, they may do very different work types. Let’s take a closer look at the differences between police and detectives.
Police officers are government employees who work for the state. They are responsible for restoring order and justice for the general public and searching crime scenes to restore order in society. They are also paid to do so because they work for the state.
Detectives are not part of the state, so they do not deal with social order or crime scenes for the general public. The general public hires them to solve various cases, such as infidelity, affairs, people search, insurance fraud, etc.
Police have special control, or the power to make arrests, so they can search and seize, and they can perform a variety of duties in accordance with legal procedures. Detectives, on the other hand, do not have legal investigative powers, but rather aim to gather information. They are more limited than police because they only operate within legal limits.
When collecting evidence, police can conduct a wide range of investigations, including crime scene analysis, suspect interrogation, and evidence collection. Because they have command and control and all the necessary powers to prevent and solve crimes, they can conduct in-depth investigations to solve cases. They can cooperate with various national organizations and receive support as needed. 전국 탐정사무소 비교하러 가기
Detectives are hired by private citizens to provide information or investigations. They cannot receive assistance or support from state agencies, but they can conduct similar in-depth investigations, affair investigations, surveillance, records analysis, and more as the police. If they do collect data, they must do so within legal boundaries and cannot conduct a broader investigation than the police.
What we do
- Criminal Investigations
- Traffic Enforcement
- Crime Prevention
- Violent incident prevention
- Collecting information based on client needs
- Finding people
- Background Checks
- Insurance fraud
Pros and cons
The advantage of police is that they have legal authority, which allows them to conduct broad investigations, while detectives are able to analyze and investigate specific cases in depth.
The downside is that it takes a very long time to solve a case due to limited resources and a lack of manpower. Also, detectives have no legal authority, so they can only conduct limited investigations and cannot use illegal methods.
Police and detectives have similar but different roles and missions. The difference is that police officers have the legal authority and work for the public, while detectives work for a single private individual, and while police officers have the legal authority and can conduct a wide range of investigations, detectives are limited in scope and cannot do anything illegal.